Saturday, May 1, 2010

wow, long time no-post. I've stopped running for the time be due to being incredibly busy, I have been taking daily trips to the park with my daughter so at least I am getting some exercise. Unfortunately I haven't been sticking to the new healthy eating plan, so I am going to have to kick it up a notch yet again...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

on track

So it's been raining like crazy for the past couple of days, but I have been getting out for my runs. I condense my run with Gunnar's trip to the dog park, I just run around the perimeter while Gunnar trots along behind, seeing the sights and sniffing the pee, haha. There is never anyone else there when it's raining anyway, which is good because I don't like an audience when I'm running.

That's one of my favorite things about running in the city is that there is no audience. There are people there, but everyone is so absorbed in their own hustle and bustle that they hardly notice my big butt haulin' ass down the sidewalk. It's different in the country, people stare as they drive by...I always feel so judged when I run in the country. Usually I just retreat to the treadmill at my parents' house...I'm not ready to be watched yet, haha, I have to get at least 30 of these 57 extra pounds off before I'll be ready for that I think, haha...but I digress...

I upped my running yesterday to 2/1 x 5 and then 1/1 x 5 for a total of 15 minutes running, it was hard but I stuck to it, and I felt great afterward! I've also stuck to my diet and what not, my weight is down 3 lbs, but I think most of that is probably water weight and stress weight (it's exam week), so we'll see how the next few days go. My last exam is tomorrow....

Today's run is the same as yesterday's...and it's raining again today too, least I wont get over heated, hah!

Friday, April 16, 2010

So yesterday I came in under my calories allowed...I'm going to try to not make a habit of that, but I slept most of the day so I didn't really have time for eating (it's exam week and I had a day in between study days, haha)I did my run again yesterday, again it was 1/1 x 10, I pushed myself a little bit harder today so my times were a little bit quicker.

Today is a rest day from running, so I'll do some cross training and go for a walk with Gunnar instead. I've been staggering my calories allowed per day as well, it's supposed to keep my metabolism guessing to help avoid a plateau. Today I am having my low day at 1251 calories. I'm hoping I can stick to it! I have lots of apples to help me get through my snack attacks, haha...

Anyway I got my boyfriend to take some a few before pictures of me so I can compare every week (it's supposed to keep me motivated if I can see the results)...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


So I managed to get off my butt today and go for a run. I started out easy and did 1/1 X 10 (1 min running to 1 min walking) with a 10 minute walking warm up and a 20 minute walking cool down, with a trip to the dog park with Gunnar, and the walk back home, thrown in at the end.

According to my calculations, I have burned 421 calories with today's it's supper time, HAH! It's all about balance, right?

The beginning of the end

So, I've decided to stop being fat and take care of my body the way it deserves. It's the beginning of the end of my chocolate addiction and my couch potato ways. I've decided to start running. I created this blog to help me keep track of my successes, challenges, goals, and life. I hope that once I can get organized, I can achieve my goals with minimal temper tantrums on my part....

I had always been skinny, all through high school my dream was to weigh 100 lbs so that I wouldn't be so darn bony, hah! Then I went to university and I gained weight, I weighed 125 lbs at the start of my second year. Then I got pregnant and blew up. When gave birth to my daughter I weighed 194 lbs, after giving birth I weighed 180. I am now down to 167, but I am so not comfortable with the way I look or feel.

After giving birth to my daughter I realized that I did not like the way my life was going. I was a university drop out with no job and a brand new baby; I realized that my daughter and I deserve better. I could see the woman that I wanted to be, but I had no idea how to get there. I wanted to be educated, professional with a secure job and a comfortable lifestyle. I wanted to be one of those crazy health nuts who runs in all types of weather and eats crunchy granola and drinks decaf espresso with breakfast in the morning. So, I began to plot and work. It's a good thing that I have an amazing and supportive boyfriend to help me with all of this, or I just might lose my mind entirely.

My first step after giving birth was to come up with a career plan. I achieved this and I am now studying to become a doctor and earning strait A's (mostly). My second goal was to quit smoking. Having achieved this goal, I now feel confident enough (or maybe just crazy enough) to tackle my next goal: weight loss.

I have calculated that to lose weight at a rate of 1 lb per week, I need to create a deficit of 500 calories per day, on average. So, I need to eat, give or take, 1390 calories per day and exercise off about 200 calories per day in order to lose weight at this rate. If I do this I will reach my goal weight of 110 lbs on May 12th, 2011. So in just over a year, if all goes well, I will be slim and fit and be a good role model for my daughter! No pressure....Well, here goes...